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Woman’s Liberation is a process created by Osho for the liberation of women. A retreat for women only. To give them the opportunity to experience strength and power without giving up beauty, grace and the ability to love.
The modern woman has a great need to question herself deeply about the behavioral strategies she has with man, at work, in the family and as a couple. The contemporary mystic Osho has devoted years of attention to the evolution of woman in current times. He emphasized the fact that in reality the woman still does not want to be loved. She just wants to be desired and to make herself indispensable.
To make the comparison with such an uncomfortable reality possible, a group was created where women can get together. To find out what are the steps to be taken to get rid of the outward projection of their own yearnings. To free themself from the unnerving and exhausting need to please the other. To stop that mechanical impulse to grant the wishes of others, ignoring or sacrificing one’s own truth.
The woman has gone through and is still going through an enormous process of liberation and self-affirmation. Is she really in touch with her femininity? With the receptivity, the capacity to listen to others and to herself? With the intuition, her natural constructive passivity? Most of the time we still act starting from the need to be desired and indispensable and therefore from an unconscious lack of love for ourselves, of self-esteem and of real independence from all the expectations that we believe we must fulfill.
We will discover that the desire, still deeply rooted in the unconscious, to finally find our Prince Charming, is nothing but the deep need for love that is in our hearts. It can only be fulfilled through the integration of both the female and male energies within us.
The powerful experience of this group for women only is rooted in Oshos extraordinary clarity, which has brought a new meaning to the words man and woman. A transcendental meaning and a reality of life that leaves everything else in the distant and moldy past.
The security that the group provides and the mutual support, will help us managing all our realities as women, both in the world and in our relationships, discovering together what steps to take towards a real liberation.
Learn how this process was born. Read the article
"Love, trust, beauty, authenticity, are all female qualities much greater than all the qualities that man has [...]. You should be grateful to the existence that what man has to earn, to you has been given as a gift by nature "
Siddho Marchesi
Siddho meets Osho and meditation in 1978. She graduated in Psychological and Social Sciences and for many years she has combined her cognitive experience with meditation to work with people and lead workshops and trainings. She is experienced in several approaches; among them are Ericksonian Hypnosis, Star Sapphire Energywork, Family and Relationship Constellations, Workshops for women only, Trauma Work and NARM (Neuro Affective Relationship Model). She works in Italy and abroad. She touches the heart of the people who meet her. In 2007 she founded Osho Tao Essence Institute in Milan..
Kovida Chiappini
In 1978 Kovida meets Osho and her life becomes focussed on self search and meditation. For a long spell she lives in Puna (India), studying and working at the Osho Multiversity, the Osho School of Mysticism, probing deeply into the science of the subtle energies that govern our system of Body & Mind. From Hellinger she learns the systemic methodology of the Family Constellations. She obtains the USA Diploma in Neurolinguistic Programming and Eriksonian relaxation techniques. She conducts seminars on the subject of Awareness of Being a Woman, on Self-Esteem and on the study of the Subtle Bodies in the human being. She is a Teacher of the 3 Formation Levels for becoming Practitioner of Aura Soma® (UK), the well known and sophisticated system of working with Light and Colour.
"Men have been taught to be only men and to show no feminine traits, no gentleness of heart or receptivity and to be always aggressive; to never cry, or be moved, because tears are considered, to be the stuff of women... Women were taught never to be like a man: never to show aggression, never to express themselves, always remaining passive, receptive; this is against reality and has paralyzed both sexes.. In a better world, with greater understanding, a man will be both, even women will be both- because sometimes a man needs, to be feminine, sweet, to have moments of tenderness, of love; then there are situations in which the woman needs to express herself, Getting angry, being defensive and rebelling, if it’s always passive, it automatically becomes a slave, and that’s what happened in the past centuries.. An aggressive and never tender man is instead destined to create wars, a neurotic, violent world."
OSHO, The Heart Sutra, Talk #3
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