
A path to understand the truest part of ourselves and bring it to light, to move in life in an authentic way by listening to one's heart and the needs of one’s soul. I have

started the journey with great stress and worries, and now I have the tools to stay connected and at peace in stressful or difficult situations.

Tara B., Freelance Graphic Designer

It's the first group I've attended (and I've done many) where all judgments on the other participants have literally collapsed. A small group of friends has formed that I totally accept, and who in turn accepts me as I am. This beautiful feeling gives me peace and strength. I am grateful to the conductors, my travel companions and myself, who allowed this thing to happen inside me.


A compelling work of self-knowledge that step by step, understanding after understanding, it brings me closer and closer to home.

Thanks to Siddho and Anurag.

Pramod, Civil servant

It is a path of awareness that makes us understand how much there is to do within us, but it reassures us about how much potential we have to achieve our peace. I add that I have managed to appreciate dynamic meditation and want to do it... and that's no small thing.

Eleonora E., Technical employee

Family Constellations and the search for solutions

Sometimes we approach Family Constellations to seek definitive answers to a problem. In each of us survives a superstitious part. This part sees Systemic Constellations as a crystal ball that gives the answers and pull our chestnuts out of the fire.

Therefore, it is easy to ask the question from which we started in this article. It is human to hope that a lottery win will solve our financial problems for a lifetime... continute to read

I have attended this basic training for the third time after ten years. The seeds sown then have sprouted in recent years: the work of that time allowed me to start a path of fundamental rooting, as well as to start a process of recognition on "voices", on

conditionings, on the feelings that pass through me and that come from my family system. Now the awareness on these issues has gone even deeper.

Bhakti V. F., Dance trainer

I have to say that this experience was also very intense and with high energy, it's not easy to

describe it in a few lines, but I recommend it to anyone who wants to question themselves. It's a unique experience, it brought me a lot of awareness, peace, love, and lightness. I sincerely thank you.

A big big hug. You are number 1. Thank you!

Simone M., Artisan

An experience of healing, truth, and awareness, guided with complete confidence, mastery,

welcome and love. Immense gratitude from the heart.

Monica G., Naturopath

A path that led me to cross the ford and find, after a long time, the peace of Heart. The serenity of returning to everyday life with the confidence of being able to be, today and also tomorrow, who I am without having to prove anything. Thank you.

Francesco M., Entrepreneur

A door to unconsciousness

For years now, Systemic Constellations, both for families and for work as well as for companies, have been successfully spreading all over the world. What is the strength of this method? What are the characteristics that have made it an avant-garde methodology?

One feature is speed. In an hour, sometimes less, the person who "stages" the constellation of their family, sees some hidden dynamics in the system unfold before him which are at the origin of discomfort or repetitive behaviors or great difficulties that they have been carrying, often for a long time. continute to read

Coaching for Life: never a title was more appropriate! Whatever reason drives the participants to take this journey, it is an experience, a useful training for life. It's not an easy path, it's not simple to understand the importance of it for those approaching for the first time, but it's like having the possibility of turning on a beacon, bringing light to better see many areas of life, to have the

opportunity to improve and do it with professionals like Siddho and Anurag. It will make a difference in your life and future personal and professional stories. I waited years before I was able to do it, and I'm glad it came at the right time. Thank you with all my heart.

Michela Raaji M., Personal Assistant

From chaos to peace. Fear was present when I embarked on this journey, but curiosity and the

lure were strong.

Now, at the end of the training, I can say that it's the greatest gift I could have given myself.

The feeling of order, peace and love that I have experienced and that I take home gives me pure joy. I thank the group for their strength, joy and support, and Siddho and Anurag for having guided us with attention, care and love.

Ghyan Francesca M., Teacher

A path that I would suggest to everyone. A simple, direct but very effective approach.

It has personally brought me more light, clarity and understanding to my inner dynamics, and today I feel much "lighter" and at the same time more and more aware of my abilities, values ​​and

weaknesses, in the here and now.

Utsava Roberta M., Holistic operator

The basic training of family constellations has been a path of integration of my being, which was

broken into many parts that didn’t perceive on another. With each step I felt my being take

strength and clarity, bringing me into a space of lightness and presence. I gained strength than ever before I thought I had. It has been a wonderful journey to myself!

Ninad Anna M., Holistic Practitioner

Suffering: a destiny? The point of view of Family Constellations

The collective mind of the family

Illness is certainly an individual matter. People fall ill for a thousand and one reasons.

Its origins may also have roots in the family. I am not talking about the DNA as the core for triggering genetic disease. I am talking about the collective mind of the family. You cannot measure or sequence this ‘mind’ in a laboratory. We can, however, bring it to the surface through Family Constellation. We can bring to light unconscious links of suffering with family members, sometimes even family members unknown to us... continute to read

An experience of authenticity. Not all points in the program maybe developed, but there is always some part that life has to fill, paths to walk on after seeing the road sign.

This morning, looking at the landscape outside, it seemed more beautiful, and maybe it was.

Fabrizio M.

It has certainly been a journey of growth, depth, expressiveness, and expansion. The quality

the conduction of the constellations soothes and allows you to go where there was darkness and torment.

Maria Grazia, Teacher

A life experience, an experience of growth, with the strength of the group in a fascinating place.

Through study, the powerful and extraordinary tool of family constellations, and meditation

to become aware of the change, one understands the dynamics of one's family

to improve them.

Paola P., anesthesiologist and resuscitator

The training allowed me to start a journey of self-knowledge, it illuminated my path,

the encounter with the other made me discover many aspects of myself, I saw my centre, I began to see my listening space, and the magic of silence was unique.

Meri V., Kindergarten teacher

It's a great process. It gives so much clarity, relief, and the gratitude for life. It's an experience that it is worth to live.

Dimitri, Entrepreneur

This training is truly transformational. It is framed in a beautiful way and throughout all steps carried out with very high professionalism. Loved it!

Jonas, Consultant

“I am not life negating. I am absolutely affirmative. Whatsoever one is, one is not to escape from anywhere - family, responsibility, work - from nowhere; rather one has to go deeper into it.”

Above all don’t wobble

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