Growing means letting the seed inside each of us grow

and come to light

The seed contains the entire life project we wish to develop.

Our courses teach you to bring your true nature to light and drop the blocks that prevent you from expanding. You will learn how to discover the mechanisms of the mind keeping you imprisoned in the conditionings of your childhood you can contact only indirectly, while longing for a wellbeing you are not able to reach.

Growing means reconciling with the wounds of the spirit resulting from the events of our life or from our family history that cause us to develop mechanical or stereotyped patterns of behaviour. Growing means healing traumas and shocks, which keep our huge amount of vital energy under constraint. Growing means getting to know our yin and yang energy, our inner male and female and reawaken them, so as to connect with, and fill our deepest needs to be able to fly with our own wings, spreading them to fulfil our destiny and accomplish our true ‘journey’!

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